How to Begin the Talk of a Lifetime?
At the Thanksgiving table, families gather together to spend time, give thanks and enjoy a scrumptious dinner. Why not take advantage of this time of togetherness to find out more about your parents, or Aunt Suzie, their greatest moments in life and their wishes for later?
Do you know what your Uncle John’s favorite place is? Do you know what your mom’s greatest inspirations in life are? How about what your dad would like to be remembered by? These answers will become important in planning for a celebration of life and these questions are part of the Talk of a Lifetime movement.
How do you want to be remembered? How do your loved ones?
You may think you know…until you ask and discover the truly rich history and impact of your friends and family.
You may know what happened on the day you graduated from high school–you could see your parents beaming proudly in the crowd. But have you ever asked your dad what he was feeling that day?
You have heard the family stories about your parents’ wedding–the minister mispronouncing your mom’s name and the funny song your uncle sang at the reception. But have you ever asked your mom what she was thinking the moment before she started walking down the aisle?
“Have the Talk of a Lifetime,” by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council
Explore these experiences together and discover what you can learn about your loved ones. Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity! Download the booklet from FAMIC for ways to begin the conversation. We’d love to hear your stories–share them at